The court is an independent government body, activities of which are aimed at implementing the function of justice in our country, based on the laws. In fact, the court is the mechanism by which we can restore our violated rights, collect debts, and draw up documents that cannot be processed out of court. Often, citizens face the need to appeal to the court in civil, family, and administrative cases. By itself, appeals to the court and your participation in the court are regulated by special procedural codes, such as the Civil Procedural Code, the Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure, the Code of Commercial Procedure, the Criminal Procedural Code and the Code of Administrative Offenses. These documents specify the ways how your appeal to the court should be drawn up, what rights that do you have, and what exactly you can do during the consideration of your case by the court and within which time frames. Defense lawyer is your legal representative and defender at the trial, who has the specialized knowledge and experience that will enable you to overcome a lot of obstacles and achieve the desired effect. Release the property from attachment, legalization of inheritance through the court action, appeal against actions of the police and other authorities, recognition of a fact which has legal significance and many other cases in which our lawyers provide a wide range of legal services.
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